MLP Now Accepting Recurring Payments

Meadow Lane Pool is now accepting recurring payments for seasonal memberships. Once a Bond has been purchased ($150) your 2019 Seasonal membership my be broken down into 3 payments which will be billed monthly to a valid credit card. Recurring payments via check should be available in the near future. Payments are broken down as follows based on the type of membership being paid.

Regular Membership: – $250 Total or 3 recurring payments of $83.33

Grandparents Membership: – $250 Total or 3 recurring payments of $83.33

Long Time Membership: – $215 Total or 3 recurring payments of $71.66

Senior Membership: – $130 Total or 3 recurring payments of $43.33

The following FORM can be used to set up a recurring payment. Please bring this form to the pool and the staff with the credit card you wish to set up the recurring payment on.

Good Conduct

This is a quick reminder to our members that good conduct is expected at all times at the pool. Please remember that we are not a public facility and we have rules against adverse language and behavior. For families that allow their kids to attend the pool alone, please remind your kids that they are expected to be on their best behavior in your absence. If our staff observes foul language or deviant behavior, they will issue a warning. If the conduct continues they will ask the individual to leave. If a pattern of misconduct continues on separate occasions, our board may decide to temporarily or permanently suspend an individual.

If any member observes misconduct, they should feel free to inform the staff. Abusive language or conduct that is racist or otherwise bigoted in any way, or criminal violations of the law, will result in an immediate suspension and the incident will be given over for consideration by the Board of Directors where additional sanctions may be imposed. Such sanctions may include permanent suspension of membership.

Please remember that we are not a public pool but a family oriented, social and recreation club. Failure to maintain standards of conduct hurts the pool by discouraging membership; which ultimately hurts the pool’s good reputation and our ability to provide this unique social and recreational opportunity for our neighborhood.

New Sign-in Policy

It seems that last season we may have had some families taking advantage of our casual sign-in procedure and using the pool while not being active members. To curb this theft of service we will be using a new sign-in policy. Each week the guards will be given a list of active members and will have access to our current online database. Active members will then use that list to sign-in.

For those that have yet to renew your membership, please understand that our membership list is compiled by volunteers; and memberships, especially those received by mail, may take time to be updated. As such, if you plan to mail in your renewal, it would be best to do it as soon as possible if you plan on using the pool on opening day, May 25th. The fasted way to renew is online in our Membership Section or in person at the pool, after opening. This year, you will be able to pay your membership fee at the pool using a credit card. (Credit card transactions will only be accepted for memberships and pool party reservations, not for snacks and drinks.)

We would also like to remind members that your membership only extends to immediate family, living in the same household. It does not extend to adult children living outside the home. Grandparents may purchase a Grandparent Membership and include 5 grandchildren not living with them. If it is discovered that a member is extending use of their membership to those outside their household without paying visitor fees, their membership may be revoked and their bond placed in jeopardy.

The entire governing Board of Meadow Lane Park Association hopes everyone has a fun and safe summer at the pool! And please remember, MLP is a Social & Recreation Club. As such, to maintain our non-profit standing we must rely primarily on membership funding. Active members keep this pool alive and well. And the best recruiters for new members are our current members. So if you know someone that you think would enjoy membership with us, please bring them for a visit so they can see the value of this wonderful facility for themselves.

Annual Meeting Tonight!

Don’t forget that our 2019, Meadow Lane Park Association Annual Bond Holder’s meeting is tonight @ 7pm at the Meadow Lane Elementary School Auditorium! I know we made a huge mistake scheduling this on the same night at the championship NCAA Basketball game which starts at 8pm. My bad! So I promise to keep this meeting as short as possible so everyone can be home in time for tipoff. – Richard Okelberry, Board President

Annual Letter and Membership Renewals

The Annual Voter’s Meeting and Renewal letters are in the mail. For those that just can’t wait to get them out of pure excitement, here is the info with a PDF version below.

Meadow Lane Pool – Annual Member’s Meeting

Monday, April 8th, 2019 @ 7:00 PM • Meadow Lane Elementary School Auditorium.

The Meadow Lane Park Association is a non-profit organization that is owned and operated by its bonded members.  Each member has a say in how the pool is run and how we prioritize resources.  Our Annual Member’s Meeting is the perfect time to express concerns and share ideas.  It is also the best time to discover which volunteer opportunities exist and how our members can help to keep Meadow Lane Pool the very best neighborhood, recreation resource in northeast Lincoln.  Please take the time to attend and consider serving as a board member; as we will be nominating and installing new board members at this meeting.  


  • 2018 in review:  Finance & Membership numbers.
  • Physical status of the Pool and Grounds.
  • Staffing:  New Guard Manager, Priscilla Hutchinson.
  • Membership Rate Increase.
  • New Grandparents Membership.
  • 4th of July Party.
  • Opportunities for volunteering & adding to our existing board.  12 board members are needed, we currently have 6.
  • Sponsorships.
  • New Computer System and Wifi.
  • Nomination & Installment of new and returning board members.

2019 Calander

  • April 8th ………Annual Member’s Meeting @ 7pm.
  • April 14th ……….Board Meeting @ 6pm.
  • May 12th ………Board Meeting @ 6pm.
  • May 18th ………Pool Cleanup @ 9am.
  • May 25th .…..…Opening Day @ 1pm.
  • June 9th ………..Board Meeting @ 6pm.
  • July 4th …………4th of July Party.
  • July 14th ……….Board Meeting @ 6pm.
  • August 11th …….Board Meeting @ 6pm.
  • September 1st ….Closing/End of 2019 Season (Doggy Splash).
  • September 8th …..Board Meeting @ 6pm.

Current Board

President– Richard Okelberry

Vice President– Curtis Campbell

Treasurer – Kerri Ruff

Secretary – Sarah Murtagh

Membership – (Currently covered by president.)

At-Large –  Kyle McCown, Nate Gummell

Membership changes for 2019

The Meadow Lane Park Association governing board has recently agreed to an increase of $20 to all our annual memberships. This increase will help cover increasing costs and put us in line with other area pools. The increase will become effective March 1st, 2019. Memberships can be purchased at the 2018 rate, online or by mail until this date. The Board has also decided to include a new membership package for grandparents in our community. The Grandparent Membership will work the same as a standard membership and allow up to 5 grandchildren on each membership. Parents of grandchildren are excluded from these memberships and will be required to purchase their own membership or pay a fee as guests of the grandparents. To purchase your 2019 membership early and avoid the rate increase, please visit our Applications & Online Payments Page.