The Meadow Lane Park Association governing board has recently agreed to an increase of $20 to all our annual memberships. This increase will help cover increasing costs and put us in line with other area pools. The increase will become effective March 1st, 2019. Memberships can be purchased at the 2018 rate, online or by mail until this date. The Board has also decided to include a new membership package for grandparents in our community. The Grandparent Membership will work the same as a standard membership and allow up to 5 grandchildren on each membership. Parents of grandchildren are excluded from these memberships and will be required to purchase their own membership or pay a fee as guests of the grandparents. To purchase your 2019 membership early and avoid the rate increase, please visit our Applications & Online Payments Page.
Save the Date!
Adult Lap Swim
Meadow Lane Pool is now offering Adult Lap Swim (16yrs and older) between 11:15 am and 12:45 pm (Mon-Thu) beginning Monday, June 4th. Please enter the West gate and sign the member log at the snack window before swimming. Two swim lanes and the deep end will be available. Member’s guests are allowed at the regular $5 rate and may stay and enjoy the pool for the day.
Volunteers Needed!
The spring cleanup and pool opening are coming fast. This spring we were hoping to replace as much of the blue tile around the parameter of the pool as possible. This is where you can come in. We have need for volunteers to remove the tile with a pneumatic chisel. That may sound scary to those that have never run one, by I assure you it is really easy to do. And once you have used one, I bet you will find cause to get one yourself to work on some projects around the house. I will supply everything you need, though you may want to bring your own work gloves. Reply or message me (Rich Okelberry) and we can set things up. Volunteers will get their own key so they can come and go as they please, on their own schedule. Believe it or not, this is highly therapeutic. 🙂
Facebook Posts
Announcements posted to the Meadow Lane Pool website will now automatically propagate to our Facebook Group to help keep you better informed.
2018 Annual Meeting
Spring Letters for the 2018 annual meeting with membership renewals is in the mail and should arrive shortly for all current members. Attached are pdfs of each.
2018 Meadow Lane Pool Membership Renewal (pdf)
2018 Annual Meeting (pdf)
New Website
Welcome to the new Meadow Lane Pool Website. Here you will find information about pool operations, membership, up coming events and volunteer opportunities. You can also find us on Facebook!